Keeping COVID-Secure
It's our highest priority to keep both our teams and guests safe, here's some procedures we have put in place for everyone's safety

Click on the headings below to find out how we're staying COVID-Secure


  •  Customers will be encouraged to use contactless payments where possible, without disadvantaging older or vulnerable customers.
  • Physical social distancing measures will be in place to permit customers and family groups to physically distance whilst queuing and whilst inside the premises.
  • Customers exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be politely asked to leave the premises for the safety of others.
  • Hand sanitising stations in public areas and toilet facilities will be stocked with suitable hand soap, hand drying facilities and 60% alcohol hand gel. Hot water will also be available to all hand wash basins. 60% alcohol hand sanitising gel stations will be positioned throughout the premises for customers to use.
  • Our team will be encouraged to remind guests of the need to use these hand sanitising gels regularly
  • All tables will be completely cleared before customers are seated. No tables will be set prior to customers sitting at their table i.e. no cloths, cutlery, crockery, glasses etc. All tables will be cleared and sanitised before seating for a fresh EL&N experience.
  • Guests will be kept clear of any sundry items e.g. Menu's and flowers etc where best possible.


  • We ask that all our customers wear a face covering when stepping into our stores (unless exempt).
  • We want to make sure you feel at ease during your visit to EL&N, with this in mind all our team members will be wearing visors or a face covering and gloves throughout the duration of their working shift.
  • Our teams will be trained and regularly reminded of the need to avoid touching eyes , nose and mouth.
  • Hand washing regimes are in place, using soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol will be used if soap and water are not available.
  • Health screening questionnaires will be completed daily on arrival at work aswell as regular temperature checks on shift. Where employees indicate they are at risk of infection they will be removed from work and asked to self isolate from the workplace for 14 days.
  • Touch points such as door handles, tills, card machines, keyboards, touch screens, telephones and handrails will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.


  • Floor markings are positioned inside the cafés to facilitate compliance with social distancing advice at a 1m+ distance, particularly in the most crowded areas, such as serving counters and tills.
  • Tables are set out to provide the current Government recommended distance between seated customers and groups inside and outside
    of the premises.
  • Where customers are required to queue to access the site, the queuing area has been marked and distance markers placed on the floor at 1m+ intervals.
  • Our team will regulate the number of people within the building with a one in-one out rule to be operated when full occupancy capacity is reached.
  • Signage will be placed at the entrance of the café to advise customers of social distancing rules within the premises. Where there is more than one point of access, doors will be designated for entry and exit.
  • The layout of our floor has been adjusted by reducing the number of tables and chairs within our premises to allow for advised social distancing measures.
  • Signage has been placed throughout the cafés to maintain a physical gap to current recommended distances between social groups.


  • Our menu will run on a normal service, with crockery and cutlery being cleaned and dis-infected before each new seating. All team members handling food or beverages will be wearing face coverings/gloves for additional protection.


  • Only company approved cleaning chemicals shall be available for use at our cafés. These include detergents and sanitisers which are effective against enveloped viruses such as COVID-19.
  • 'Touch surfaces' will be routinely cleaned using a sanitiser solution and disposable roll on a routine basis of no less than every 30 mins.
  • Customer dining areas will be cleaned and disinfected/sanitised between each service. This will include the sanitising of all hard surfaces i.e. tables & chairs.
  • Where customer bathrooms are open for use, they will be checked to ensure hand washing and hygiene provisions are in-place every 2-hours. Toilets will be taken out of use for customers whilst cleaning and checks take place.
  • All work surfaces and touch points will be sanitised at the start of the day prior to any activities taking place. All surfaces and touch points will also be cleaned and sanitised as a last task at the end of the working day.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or anyone you live with has symptoms, we kindly advise that you please stay at home to reduce the spread.

We look forward to welcoming you back into our cafés and if you have any questions at all regarding our safety procedures during COVID-19, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.